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Monday, November 7, 2016

Week 9B: Category Kindness

Blogging can be a challenge for the writer but also for the creators of the Blog. Have you ever stumbled across a blog, been intrigued and then looked at the categories? A list of categories a mile long with one or two posts per category is frustrating for the audience. Let's be kind and keep those categories concise.

When categories have been added randomly without any thought or plan, it is an obvious mistake. Before you begin your blog, make a list of potential categories. Think about what you want to write about. Look at other blogs in your industry and look at their categories. What makes sense? What really could be combined into a cleaner category.

The blog you are reading right now is for the entrepreneur who is starting up or building a business. They are getting their brand started, setting up a website, learning about government permits & taxes, perhaps buying bookkeeping software and maybe setting up a brick-and-mortar shop. Marketing is on their list, but their time is limited. The categories for this blog should be helpful to my target reader without being too overwhelming. Below are some possible categories for this blog.

Build Your Blog
Communicating, Listening, Responding
Facebook Strategy
Internet Analytics – Measuring Success
Marketing in the Digital Age
SEO – Search Engine Optimization
Social Media Basics
Tools that Make Life Easier
Twitter Strategy
Websites – Design, Branding, Platforms
YouTube Strategy

When you decide on categories for your blog, make sure to plan out your categories so your readers have a hand reference to navigate to the posts that interest them. 

Remember that as a content writer, when that blank screen is staring you in the face you can re-visit your categories for inspiration. Perhaps there is a category that hasn't seen a post for a while. That can be a good starting point for your next post. 

Below are some blogs who have posts about being personable on a business blog. Check these out. There are some great tips.

MV Montes

A Fearless Lioness Rant

Kendall's CSIT155

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