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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Week 7B: Competition Check

One of the first things we should do as a business owner is find other businesses that are similar to what we want to do. Analyze what they are doing right. Figure out what they could do better. Check out the competition.

My concept is to present new business owners with short, fun videos on the basic concepts of marketing. I can't find anything quite like the business I want to start on YouTube. There seems to be a few marketing "hacks" out there with lots of personality and no substance.

7 ways to increase your Instagram!   Get 10,000 followers in 15 minutes! 10 Social Media Hacks!

Could be, that's what is popular on YouTube.

There are also long video marketing courses that start out slow and are not at all "sticky". I have searched for more than 2 hours so far and cannot find anything exactly like what I want to do.

Maybe that's a good thing.

Maybe not.

Perhaps there is a need for videos that creatively bring basic marketing concepts, but also have personality. Bottom line, I can't find any businesses that do exactly that.

Below is one business that I admire. Is this guy doing something similar to my business idea? Kind of, maybe, sort of...

Roberto Blake

His name is his brand and he is doing it right.

39.5K followers. 1 - 15 likes per post.
Posts several times a day.

2,237 followers. 5 - 30 likes per post. 
Posts 1 to 2 times a day. Sometimes about marketing. Sometimes personal. Doesn't seem to have a dedicated page.

152, 608 subscribers. 5k to 10k views per video. Some as high as 30k.
 His videos are really very good.

3,375 followers. Average 75 likes per image.
Lots of engagement on this platform.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Week 7A: A Picture of Time

Digital, 1970's
The world is going visual and I believe that it's a time thing.

Or maybe lack of time.

When digital clocks came out back in the 1970's, it was a really big deal. A wonder of technology. My father noted the beginning of this digital age by teaching me about the face of a clock. He told me to look at the digital clock. He asked what time it was.

Bain Clock, 1840's
I read the time and said, "It's 12:30, Dad".

He said, "What you just did is read each digit and then figure out the time."


Next, he told me to look up at the old fashioned clock with a hour hand and a minute hand. He said that clock face was actually more like a picture of time.

He said a picture is instant, but reading takes... well... time. Analog clocks and watches would never completely go away because a picture is instant and reading each digit takes more time.

Here it is, decades later, another century even, and Apple agrees. You called it, Dad.

Apple Watches, 2015

What does all this have to do with Social Media? It's about that one little word my dad said -  instant.

You have to read text, but a photo is instant. It can grab your attention in a micro second, but text takes time to read. Even if it's just a second, it takes more time.

In a world with so much information streaming, news-feeding, and pop-upping, images are the best way to grab attention. I asked a millennial age college woman one time, "Why do you like Instagram so much?" She said she had enough textbooks to read and she doesn't really like reading anyway. Visuals are a better way to relax, she said. As a college student I can certainly understand that.

Here's a breakdown of eight types of social media and why I think they would or would not work for my business as a Social Media Consultant. How would they work for your business?

Facebook - 1.4 billion users

Facebook is the most widely used social platform at this time but it is also practical. The news feed that goes out to a given consumer is nothing short of genius. Based on how recent the post is, the strength of relationship and how much engagement a post has gotten, each person is given what Facebook thinks they want to see. They have it down to a science and put it into an algorithm.
Big Thumbs-Up for Facebook and yes, I must have a page there. Back in the 90's, I used to tell business owners that a website is an absolute must. Now, if you don't have a Facebook page, it lowers your business image in people's eyes.

Twitter - 320 Million Monthly Active Users

Twitter takes some getting used to because of the 140 character text limits. This limit has created a signature communication style that is unique to twitter. Quick and concise, its users move at a NASCAR pace. Until recently, images were counted as 23 characters which made it harder to write posts that could be understood. Now, all that is over and images are not counted against you. Just a taste of freedom!

Big Thumbs-Up for twitter.! This community is younger, faster and more relaxed. I have found it much easier to target certain segments for less money, growing my pages much faster. I definitely must be there.

YouTube - 490 Million Users

YouTube is not a must, but it is important to remember that videos will engage for a longer time than any other visual. I must caution though, that YouTube is a real commitment. Nothing is sadder than a once-great YouTube channel left to rust and crumble. Videos take a bit more effort but the rewards are also great.
Two Thumbs-up. My business is built around video so it would definitely work for me. I will have both public videos and pay videos on my channel which, of course, would tie into the website.

Google+  -  360 Million Users

The most useful feature of Google+ for business people is called the hangout. You can start a "hangout" and meet with up to 9 people, including colleagues or customers or potential buyers. Great for collaboration, internal meetings can be held without booking a physical conference room.And let us never forget that Google has an incredible search engine that benefits users by personalizing results based on their Google+ connections.
I give it One Shaky Thumb-up. Not too sure about this platform. I find the hangout intriguing - that may work for a consultant, but I think I need to concentrate on other platforms for now. I'll watch Google+, however.  I want to see how to younger users receive it over time.

Instagram - 300 Million Active Users vs. Pinterest - 250 Million Users.

My social media consulting business is going to be very visual, conveying marketing concepts and ideas using images & videos. I looked at both Instagram and Pinterest. Because of the clean, organized pages, I do prefer Instagram for business. Unless, of course, your business could have striking images of products, beautiful art or landscape. Pinterest has far more female users so you may find it more suited if you sell, say fashion.
As for me, I will stick with Instagram.


Blogging platforms never made much sense to me. If I am going to go to all the hard work of writing compelling blogs, I want to attract people to my website. Still, there is power in numbers of people gathering in one place and that is certainly true with Tumblr. If following blogs is what your customers like to do in your spare time, there is some advantage. The dashboard has a newsfeed similar to Facebook, in that you see posts from all your favorite blogs as they are posted. Posts and images can be re-blogged. Interaction with Facebook and twitter is possible.
Sorry, that stuff is fairly cool, but I want people going to my website. If I ever get more time, I may cross-post to a site like Tumbler to see if it is a good option for my business.

Snapchat - 20 Million Active Users

From what I can tell, Snapchat is about actively creating fun content, not just sitting back and letting it flow by. It can be goofy pics or videos or a story told in pictures. Teens love it because it's so much fun, but now it is growing in the 20's crowd. Michelle Obama even has a Snapchat account. I find it interesting that the content disappears. Kind of a live-in-the-moment thing. I think if you have a really fun, youth oriented or sports oriented product, this may work for you. A band or performer may do well here, too.
Don't think this would work for my business.


For a social media consulting business like mine, looks like Facebook, twitter, YouTube and Instagram would work best. What kind of business do you have or want to have someday? Which visual platforms would you choose? Leave a comment below - I'd love to know.


Monday, October 24, 2016

Week 6B: Scheduling Ahead in Facebook

Hi Crafties!

Busy, busy, busy! Friends, job, events, assignments, rent, bills, maybe even kids to think about. Keeping up your Facebook page can be a real challenge. Did you know you can schedule a post ahead of time? Here are directions, published by Facebook.


To schedule a post:
  1. Start creating your post at the top of your Page's Timeline
  2. Click next to Publish and select Schedule
  3. Below Publication, select the date and time when you want the post to publish
  4. Click Schedule.
For more, click the link below:


So yeah, I tried it and sure enough, it worked! Now I can walk away and do all the other tasks on my list... plus pet my dog and hug my partner!

Need extra money? The first post lists business ideas. The second and third posts list Social Media Tools for multi-scheduling across all your networks. You can schedule and get info. on your pages in Facebook, twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc. This really saves time, but there are some drawbacks to each app., so the articles actually list con's for Hootsuite and Sprout Social, I also scheduled a basic article on Social Networking, but the way they categorize is very interesting.

I believe the people reading my page are either business owners who need a Social Media boost, or people considering starting a business. Either way, these posts should engage their interest.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Week 6A: I Like Liking

This week in my social media class, we were instructed to start a facebook page for our new business. Then we "Liked" several other businesses as our page. Here's a list of the pages I visited, and why.

Social Media Today
@socmediatoday     453,590 followers
I followed this page to keep up on social media trends.

Marketing Strategy   2,238  followers
This page may be doing what I plan to do with my business. 

Social Media Examiner
@smexaminer     456,351  followers
I followed this page to keep up on social media trends.
@businessdotcom    32,248 followers
This seems to me more business tips besides just marketing. 

Marketing Ways
@marketingways   87 followers
Hoping to find posts to share with my followers.

Social Media     
@socialmedianow   773 followers
 Hoping to find posts to share with my followers.

The King’s Touch Video Production
@thekingstouch   197 followers
Local video production company in Oceanside. I may need their services or maybe my followers will need them.

Liking other businesses through your page is a good idea. Find other pages that discuss topics or services your followers may be interested in. As you like pages from other businesses, they get announcements about your page. Also, their following may also receive announcements about your page. This is a great way to grow your page.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 5: Reach vs. Engagement

Facebook metrics can be confusing until the exact meaning of two words
Reach & Engagement is understood. Then it becomes simple.

Post Reach

Post reach is defined by Facebook as, "the number of people who saw your posts". In other words, how many sets of eyes had the chance to see your posts on their screen?  

Someone watching their Facebook feed doesn't have to do a dang thing to be counted as reached. Just having a chance to see something go by on the screen is enough. The viewer doesn't do anything. There is no click. 

They could be raiding the fridge for all Facebook knows, but the post reached all the way to their news-feed. 

Reach - if a person had a chance of seeing the post, they have been reached.

Post Engagement 

Post engagement has more to do with  interactions. We could think of engagements as responses to something or conversations about something. "The Click" is the key concept here.

In order to "like" a post, a viewer has to click on the "like" icon. Likewise, a fan has to click to share a post or comment on a post.

Engagement is all about The Click. Facebook defines engagement as including all clicks.

Why is this important? 

Reach is a good indicator of how well known your "brand" is getting. I'm talking about your business name, the name of your product or your service. How many news-feeds did the post make it into?

If you are trying to increase your fan base, reach many be an important consideration. If you are running a new business, this could be your first goal. Get your fan base going and engagement will come later.

Engagement lets you know what kind of people are responding to your posts. Strange thing is, you can have high reach, but low engagement. That is, lots and lots of people saw your posts, but nobody cared enough to click. 

Awww, that's so sad.

On the other hand, some posts may be engaging people, but not really reaching very many. If you are trying to build a relationship with customers, build brand loyalty or measure purchase intent, then pay attention to engagement. 

And make sure you're engaged, too.  

Engagement on a post may mean that someone is "sitting up and taking notice". Your brand or product is gaining credibility when more people like, share and comment on it. 


So the reach of the post is all about how many people had a chance to see your post. It is all about being seen, like a movie star being seen in a certain fancy restaurant. Everybody sees the star sitting there having lunch with their agent. Maybe people from other rooms in the restaurant also see the movie star. Reach is like the people in the restaurant seeing the star but not saying a word or doing anything about it. Frankly, they see the star but they are not really impressed. Maybe that last movie was a flop.

Engagement is like someone walking up to the star and asking for an autograph, or wanting a picture with the star. Another person might come along and make a comment on their last role in a movie. People at other tables begin to whisper and point. Even the server is talking to the cook. A crowd gathers on the street looking through the window into the restaurant and pointing.

The fans are engaged and the agent is very happy. 

Monday, October 3, 2016

Week 4B: The Cubicle

I am on fire! My creative energies are bursting. Currently I'm taking four marketing classes and, I must say,  I love this marketing stuff. Can you believe I've already been approached by two business owners to help them with their marketing?

I'm astonished.

So I thought, maybe I should do some consulting in the field or even online? That's when I bought a URL and started to think about my target market. Who would I try to attract to my social media pages? Who is my perfect customer?

Slowly, a plan started to gel. I think it was about 2 am one night, as I was finishing up homework for some class. Maybe even this class.

The Idea

Basically, I would put content on a website and charge to be a member of the site. I'm talking really good content. Step-by-step instructions on marketing a business - insights, videos, exclusive interviews, live interactive conferences. All for, say, $5 a month. I could gather a community of entrepreneurs. Maybe even start a YouTube channel.

I thought about who my customers would be and one image kept coming up. It felt like looking into a mirror because...

I am my own target market.

The Target

She is sick and tired of working for low wages in a dead-end job. Chained to a gray cubicle in the daytime, she jumps on her laptop in the evenings and has a blast with social media. There are so many people opening little online stores. Maybe she could do it, too. She has a dream...

Break Free of the Gray Cubicle

She has a great product to sell. That's no problem. Her product is really and truly amazing. Maybe she's been selling it at the local open air market like the one in downtown Oceanside on Thursday nights. Maybe she has a little restaurant or creates cute little handmade items. The point is, she has a great product.

But she has no clue how to market her product online.

So she buys a website from Wix or Weebly or Shopify, googles some SEO stuff and really does try to do it right. She sets up some social media, but her following is low and she doesn't know how to grow it. The website stats are miserable. She's not selling anything.

She gets discouraged.

Because she is a woman of action, she looks for marketing advise online. Mostly the content is shallow or badly done and always leads to hiring some consultant. She really, really doesn't have the budget for that. Now she has moved from discouraged to depressed.


My dream is to take someone like her by the hand (virtually) and show her exactly what to do through videos. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people trying to start up a little business. Generate some income on the side. Find a way to be with the kids more and work from home. Save some money for retirement.

My heart goes out to them because I am one of them.

We could all band together as a community and exchange marketing ideas. Have a conversation. Learn. Grow. Succeed.

Escape the Gray Cubicle Together

Let's do this thing.