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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Week 6A: I Like Liking

This week in my social media class, we were instructed to start a facebook page for our new business. Then we "Liked" several other businesses as our page. Here's a list of the pages I visited, and why.

Social Media Today
@socmediatoday     453,590 followers
I followed this page to keep up on social media trends.

Marketing Strategy   2,238  followers
This page may be doing what I plan to do with my business. 

Social Media Examiner
@smexaminer     456,351  followers
I followed this page to keep up on social media trends.
@businessdotcom    32,248 followers
This seems to me more business tips besides just marketing. 

Marketing Ways
@marketingways   87 followers
Hoping to find posts to share with my followers.

Social Media     
@socialmedianow   773 followers
 Hoping to find posts to share with my followers.

The King’s Touch Video Production
@thekingstouch   197 followers
Local video production company in Oceanside. I may need their services or maybe my followers will need them.

Liking other businesses through your page is a good idea. Find other pages that discuss topics or services your followers may be interested in. As you like pages from other businesses, they get announcements about your page. Also, their following may also receive announcements about your page. This is a great way to grow your page.

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