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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Week 7B: Competition Check

One of the first things we should do as a business owner is find other businesses that are similar to what we want to do. Analyze what they are doing right. Figure out what they could do better. Check out the competition.

My concept is to present new business owners with short, fun videos on the basic concepts of marketing. I can't find anything quite like the business I want to start on YouTube. There seems to be a few marketing "hacks" out there with lots of personality and no substance.

7 ways to increase your Instagram!   Get 10,000 followers in 15 minutes! 10 Social Media Hacks!

Could be, that's what is popular on YouTube.

There are also long video marketing courses that start out slow and are not at all "sticky". I have searched for more than 2 hours so far and cannot find anything exactly like what I want to do.

Maybe that's a good thing.

Maybe not.

Perhaps there is a need for videos that creatively bring basic marketing concepts, but also have personality. Bottom line, I can't find any businesses that do exactly that.

Below is one business that I admire. Is this guy doing something similar to my business idea? Kind of, maybe, sort of...

Roberto Blake

His name is his brand and he is doing it right.

39.5K followers. 1 - 15 likes per post.
Posts several times a day.

2,237 followers. 5 - 30 likes per post. 
Posts 1 to 2 times a day. Sometimes about marketing. Sometimes personal. Doesn't seem to have a dedicated page.

152, 608 subscribers. 5k to 10k views per video. Some as high as 30k.
 His videos are really very good.

3,375 followers. Average 75 likes per image.
Lots of engagement on this platform.

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