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Friday, December 16, 2016

Week 12B Hitting that Budget

With that in mind, what sort of advertising could your business use, and how often should you use ads? 
Businesses who do nothing but ads really annoy me. I think putting ads up once or twice a week should be sufficient. Of course, if I find my schedule more free I might advertise more. If my schedule is full, I would put advertising on hold. 
Explain the different kinds of FaceBook advertising is available and which ones you might try for your business. 
 I feel that this business is so new, that I would do well to simply promote the page and share it with friends. There is no website and I don't have anything set up. That's OK, because I can start generating interest while I get everything else going.
Be sure to include your reasoning behind your choice, timing and budget you feel would have the most impact and generate the best results.
When I do get the website up, I will go in the direction of guiding people to the website. My budget is exactly zero, but if I had a normal income, I might dedicate $20 a day. I would do ads, but also make interesting posts and boost them. During the first year, I would put all my profit right back into advertising, adding more budget until I reach a point where I am just occupied enough without overloading my schedule.

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