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Friday, December 16, 2016

Week 13: 50 Shades of Gray

Have you ever worked for a big corporation in a gray cubicle? Sure, you try to put up some pictures of your friends and family, but it's still a Gray Cubicle. Deadly dull, but you bring home a paycheck so you tolerate it. What if you could start a business and break away from all that? This is the subject of my first campaign.

One thing you will need is an objective. At this point, my main objective is to create awareness of my Facebook page, my blog and my website. This is because it is a new business and just building a community. Other objectives might be to generate sales, collect email addresses or even gather donations for a non-profit organization. It is important to think about what your ad objective is and then decide how you will track your success.

My first ad campaign will target people who want to...


Actually, there is one ad that targets people who are trying to start a business using social media. I believe a mixture of ads presents a more interesting campaign.

Here are my first 3 ads and why each would be effective.
AD #1
The image in this ad says it all. It will draw the attention of women who work in corporate environments. I would place this ad during a typical lunch time for a full time employee, say 12-1pm. It also might be effective between 5-6pm, right after work. A tired worker would relate to the dissatisfied look on this lady's face. This ad leads her to a website where she can find out how to start a business.

AD # 2

This ad is designed to make the viewer curious. There is an image of a website and a bunch of eyes in "the cloud". They are invited to click on the video and then "like" the page. I like the "dreamy" look of the lady on the armchair. This creates awareness of the Facebook page and increases followers. 

Oh, and here's the actual video in  case you want to see it:

AD #3

We can almost all relate to being so bored at work that we nearly fall asleep! This ad leads the viewer to a blog article on this very blog. How do you like that, Crafties! My first instinct is to run this ad in the middle of the afternoon when my target audience might be bored and checking their Facebook. Then again, they might be asleep when I run the ad. Guess I'll just have to watch my analytics to find out what time works best. 

Well that's all for now. Leave me a comment about what objective you would have for your Facebook ads.


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