Google Analytics

Friday, December 16, 2016

Week 14: Changes All Around

Search Engine Optimization - it's not just for your website anymore. I remember when it was all about your website keywords. Then google started looking at your content. Then things changed, then things changed, then...

Don't panic, all we need to do is adjust.
It's that easy.

So,  I have now set up a page for my pretend business, diy4biz, on my regular website. I also set up a Facebook page and a Twitter page for diy4biz. This has been going on for about 3 months now. As you can see below, google found theFacebook page, the Twitter page and the page I made as a test on my website. There is even a comment listed from this very blog! Thank you, Quiet Woman, whoever you are.

This is truly amazing. Really, there isn't that much content on any of these pages. In the past, this kind of results would have taken a long time. Now, we only need to include thoughtful content, keeping analytics in mind as we write, and google will lead people to our doors.

Or website, or Twitter page, or...

Now let's zero in on Facebook and see what they have noticed. My instructor recommends that we concentrate on three main metrics.
  • Page Views
  • Engagement
  • Conversations

Page Views:

Engagements:   Looks like a couple of posts got some interest.

Conversations:  Well this is sad, but here it is.

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