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Friday, December 16, 2016

Week 15B: Viewpoints

Has your viewpoint of social media changed?

I was very familiar with some platforms so those didn't change much. However, I was fascinated with platforms like Google+ and Linked-in. I am more convinced than ever that old styles of advertising like newspapers, flyers, etc. are fading into the past. I feel like there is so much more to learn in this field because it is always changing.

Do you have a better understanding of how to use it successfully to develop a business?

I know a few people that are starting out a business and I have heartily recommended this class. It takes a student through the process of setting up all the social media for a business. Not only the set up, but how to make ads and analyzing the metrics.

Learning about YouTube was very interesting. I found out how to start an account and load up videos. I do understand more about the differences between Instagram and Pinterest. I am also fascinated to see where platforms like Snapchat will go in the next few years.

Did you find social media for businesses, services and products you want to use yourself?

I don't have any money at all. We barely keep a roof over our heads. Food is hard to keep stocked, so no, I don't have any interest in anything but bare survival at this point. If I ever had any money in the future, I might pay more attention to this sort of thing, but for now, I am so broke, I cannot allow myself to desire anything but education.

I do appreciate a few people who reached out to me on facebook, offering to help me get started in the industry. They were very supportive and helpful.

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